Disaster Relief

Tornado & Wind Damage Information

North Mississippi Rural Legal Services (NMRLS) is available to help residents of north Mississippi with legal issues resulting from your loss related to the recent tornadoes, that have devastated north Mississippi.

Please call our Call Center Hotline from Monday through Thursday from 9:30am to 3:30pm and press Option # 3 on the second menu. The Call Center number is:


If you know people affected by the tornadoes and winds that do not have Internet access, please let them know that NMRLS is here to help.

Other Helpful Contacts

The following is a list of links to other sites and other organizations that should be helpful:

Mississippi Emergency Management Association - http://www.msema.org      Federal Emergency Management Agency


IRS: Tax Relief for Disaster Victims

IRSSpecial tax law provisions may help taxpayers and businesses recover financially from the impact of a disaster. Learn more by visiting the Internal Revenue Service’s “Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief for Individuals and Businesses”

A Manual for Volunteers

katrina-manualAfter Hurricane Katrina the ABA and MS Bar Young Lawyers Division prepared a manual for volunteers to use in providing legal assistance to survivors of Katrina. The materials are useful and may provide you some guidance in answering questions arising from the recent weather damages. A good bit of the info is not applicable such as the toll free line set up in 2005. At this point there is no information on whether the ABA will contract with YLD to provide services similar to that provided in 2005. However, the legal principles as set out in the manual are basically still sound and applicable. Download at right.